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Famous Jigarthanda Madurai

Famous Jigarthanda Welcomes You!

Famous Jigarthanda has become a household name in the city, it is because of the concerted efforts of P. Sheik Meeran and sons.“Our customers gifted us the name ‘famous’ to identify our shop. It stayed and we just made use of it,”

Located on the busy East Marret and South Masi Street junction, the jigarthanda shop attracts at least few hundreds everyday and peaks further during summer.

The business was started by our father P. Sheik Meeran in 1977. “We are from Aaraampannai Village near Tirunelveli. My father first sold ice creams made of milk, sugar and vanilla essence…


Flavours of Ice Cream

Multi Ice Cream

Feel Cool

famous jigarthanda Ice Cream
Raspberry Ripple

Raspberry Ripple ice cream consists of raspberry syrup injected into vanilla ice cream

famous jigarthanda Ice Cream

Stracciatella In Italian,it is a light vanilla ice cream packed with slivers or chunks of chocolate

famous jigarthanda Ice Cream
Butter Brickle

It's buttery and sweet tasting,are made of toffee covered in a silky chocolate layer

famous jigarthanda Ice Cream
Bastani Sonnati

Bastani Sonnati is a creamy ice cream that includes pistachio nuts, saffron

famous jigarthanda Ice Cream
Rocky road

 it is traditionally composed of chocolate ice cream, nuts, and whole or diced marshmallows

famous jigarthanda Ice Cream
Blue moon

Blue moon Ice Cream  is fruity with strong raspberry and lemon flavors

